What is Combat Jiu Jitsu? The New Big Combat Sport?

Ever since combat Jiu Jitsu came on the scene a few years ago, it got a lot of combat sports fans talking. Obviously wondering, what exactly is combat Jiu Jitsu and how do I watch a show?
If you don’t know, let’s take you through the sport of combat Jiu Jitsu. Going over how it was created, what are the rules, how can you watch, and can you compete.
What is Combat Jiu Jitsu?
Combat Jiu Jitsu is a hybrid of BJJ and MMA blended together in a unique ruleset. No-Gi sports Jiu Jitsu blended with the ground striking in MMA.
The concept of CJJ as Eddie Bravo put it was to bridge the gap between BJJ and MMA. Showing a more realistic version of grappling that the creators of BJJ intended their martial art to be.
Grappling techniques along with open palm strikes/slaps to mimic what real-life altercation would be like.

Who Created Combat Jiu Jitsu?
The concept of Combat Jiu Jitsu was thought up by the rubber guard mastermind, Eddie Bravo. CJJ was a concept that Bravo said he came up with over ten years ago.
His Eddie Bravo Invitational tournaments were huge hits, but he initially wanted to do combat Jiu Jitsu. But CJJ was something that people needed some time to warm up to understand the concept.
After EBI took off, Eddie would use that platform to re-introduce Combat Jiu Jitsu.
When was the First CJJ Event?
Many think that combat Jiu Jitsu took off in the late 2010s, but it was a long process for its formal introduction. Here’s how Eddie Bravo’s pet project was first received and how it took off.
Combat Jiu Jitsu’s Initial Introduction
Before Eddie established the Eddie Bravo Invitational, he attempted to popularize CJJ. But Bravo would run into a lot of problems trying to get his combat sport going.
The main problem that Bravo ran into was from Athletic State Commissions. Since striking is involved in CJJ, that means that an athletic commission had to be involved.
When Bravo had to explain combat Jiu Jitsu to the California athletic commission, they had no idea this sport was. For them, it sounded like a weird version of MMA with slaps.
Eddie originally wanted the matches to be on Jiu Jitsu mats, but the commission said it must be in the cage. They also wanted 3:3 minute rounds like amateur MMA, when Eddie wanted a ten minute round.
The CSAC also did not allow Eddie to put on an event with just CJJ matches. They allowed the matches to be part of a local MMA event, but the state altered the rules. Fan reviews were mixed about these hybrid MMA/BJJ matches .
Since Eddie wasn’t able to create his project the way that he wanted, Bravo shelved the idea. Switching his attention to create a submission only style tournament that we would know as EBI.
Combat Jiu Jitsu’s Rebirth
Thanks to the popularity of the EBI tournaments, Bravo was able to re-introduce his baby in combat Jiu Jitsu. He reintroduced the CJJ concept at EBI 11 that was held on March 6th, 2017.
A 4-man tournament would be set to decide the 135 lb CJJ Championship.
The first four CJJ competitors were: Chad George, JM Holland, Nick Honstein, and Sheridan Moran. These four athletes helped CJJ take off by putting on exciting performances.
This new hybrid combat sport received a lot of positive reviews. Of course, there were those that made jokes about it and called the concept “slap Jiu Jitsu.
But there was momentum created for Eddie to continue doing more CJJ events. Each event has shown that this new sport is growing and getting an audience.

The Rules of Combat Jiu Jitsu
If you’re already familiar with the rules of EBI, CJJ is basically those with striking and a few other details. Here is a breakdown of the rules of combat Jiu Jitsu.
Basic CJJ Rules
- A match is a ten minute round.
- Open handed strikes are only allowed on the ground.
- All Submissions are legal.
- Ways to win: Submission, TKO, Doctor Stoppage, or EBI Rules
The Palm Striking in CJJ
In combat Jiu Jitsu, competitors are allowed to use open hand strikes once either of them are on the ground. Once on the ground, they use open handed strikes to the head and body of their opponent.
Whenever an opponent hits the ground, the referee overseeing the match, will give them the go ahead to strike.
The Purgatory Position
Aside from the palm strikes, the other thing that sets CJJ apart from the EBI format is the purgatory position. In the rules, the purgatory position is where one opponent is standing and the other is on the ground.
Not in their opponent’s guard, but just standing over them and not engaging. Standing over an opponent, while in the guard, however is not a purgatory position.
Any time a competitor spends thirty seconds in this position, the time is added to overtime (If the match reaches overtime). The inclusion of this rule was to prevent athletes from stalling and continue pursuing a better position.
The Overtime Rules
The overtime rules in CJJ are just like in EBI, but with palm strikes included. The ref flips a coin and whichever side wins the toss, gets to choose a dominant position.
Either backmount, spiderweb, or an armbar position from on top. Whoever submits, TKOs, or holds the longest time in the position is the winner of the match.
Where are Combat Jiu Jitsu Events Held?
Eddie has been holding his CJJ events primarily in Mexico for the last few years. The regulations aren’t as strenuous in Mexico as they are in Mexico.
By having his competitions in Mexico, Bravo can do CJJ the way that he envisioned. He has stated that he would love to do more shows in the states, but wants to deal with less bureaucracy.
Where Can I Watch Combat Jiu Jitsu?
For the last few years, CJJ has been able to grow thanks to a business relationship with Zuffa. The company that owns the UFC.
Each combat Jiu Jitsu Worlds event or tournament is aired on UFC Fight Pass. Whenever there’s a new event, you can watch it live on UFC Fight Pass. You can also go back and watch all of the old events on the website right now.
Can I Compete in CJJ?
Just like the EBI events, CJJ events are by invitation only. In order to compete in a combat Jiu Jitsu event, you must be invited by Eddie Bravo personally.
If you wish to compete in future events, there are ways for you to get noticed. You can either make a name for yourself by first competing in BJJ or MMA.
In some areas of the world, small promotions are putting on CJJ-esque events. Do a little research and see if a fight promotion is putting on an event near you and ask to compete.
What’s the Future for Combat Jiu Jitsu?
Every year, CJJ has been getting bigger and bigger. Big names within MMA and sport Jiu Jitsu have been taking part in many Combat Jiu Jitsu Worlds events.
Also thanks to the partnership with UFC Fight Pass, CJJ is gaining more fans after every event. We’ll likely see Eddie Bravo put on even bigger shows in the future.