Power Slap League athlete Jon Kennedy Suspended due to Testing Positive for Cocaine

Power Slap League Dana White Cocaine Jon Kennedy

Dana White’s Power Slap League competitor ‘Slap Daddy’ Jon Kennedy, 10-38 in MMA, has been suspended for nine months as he tested positive for having cocaine in his system during an event.

Kennedy’s suspension was handed out by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC). In addition to the nine-month suspension from competition in Dana White‘s Power Slap League, Kennedy must also pay a fine of $150 plus $326 in prosecution fees.

Dana White’s Power Slap League and Jon Kennedy

‘Slap Daddy’ Jon Kennedy has earned a 2-2 record in Dana White’s Power Slap League. The US-born athlete is a former MMA fighter with a record of 10 wins and 38 losses. Kennedy was recruited to Dana White’s Power Slap League after losing three MMA fights in a row in the first round. 25% of Kennedy’s MMA losses have been via KO/TKO. The American athlete also holds an 0-2 record in boxing with both losses coming via knockout in the first round.

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Most recently, in Power Slap, he suffered a TKO loss against John Davis. Both losses in Power Slap for Kennedy were earned via KO/TKO. Overall, in MMA, Boxing, and Power Slap, Jon Kennedy has now lost approximately 14 matches by way of knockout.

According to the Power Slap League website, Kennedy is:

“Not one of these guys who picks and chooses his opponents. Give me an opponent and I’ll fight.”

He will be unable to compete in Boxing, MMA, or Power Slap in the state of Nevada for at least nine months due to testing positive for cocaine. ‘Slap Daddy’ can return to regular competition in August 2023.

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