Superbowl champ Neal wants to move into MMA

Stephen Neal who is a former NCAA wrestling champion and NFL superbowl winner is thinking of coming to the world of MMA and adding another notch to his illustrious belt. Neal was an offensive lineman for the New England Patriots but now has been declared a free agent and his agent,Neil Cornrich says he is considering fighting as a possible future move.

‘He’s excited to be in the NFL and perhaps after that make a move to the UFC’ Cornrich said ‘Getting back involved in olympic style wrestling wrestling is definitely a consideration’

Neal had an amazing amateur wrestling record of 151-10 and 2 national championship triumphs.The highlight of his wrestling career came in 1999 at cal state-Bakersfield when he beat current UFC HW champ Brock Lesnar in the HW finals,winning the Dan Hodge award,which is the heisman trophy of college wrestling.

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Neal,who hadn’t played football since high school scored a place in the Patriots team in 2001 and played 78 games,winning 3 superbowls. Aged 33 he may face some challenges heading in to MMA, especially in light of recent comments made by Dana White concerning Herschel Walker , claiming he would get killed in the UFC.