Jose Aldo: I Will Hurt Conor McGregor Like Never Before


There are almost two painstaking months left before longtime UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo finally takes on Irish rival Conor McGregor in the main event of December 12’s UFC 194 from Las Vegas, but the Brazilian titleholder is more than ready to unleash his fury on the ‘Notorious’ trash talker.

After getting forced from their originally scheduled meeting at July 11’s UFC 189 with a rib injury, the fight has taken a bit of backseat in the media as fans stay quiet in the hopes that the bout actually happens the second time around. Aldo is banking that it will, and when it does, he plans on giving the Irish loudmouth a beating for the ages.

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During a recent press conference in Rio de Janeiro (via Combate) Aldo told media members that he’s going to beat up McGregor in a style no one has ever seen from him before, leaving him busted up as he leaves with yet another victory to extend his record streak of title defenses:

“My goal is to win, that’s my focus. Nothing more than that. You can be sure I will hurt him like I have never done to anyone before. I’m sure he will leave the fight all busted up and I will leave with another victory.”

Aldo believes that he’s got the interim champ’s style down pat, as he’s seen McGregor play nice backstage until a camera shows up and his show starts. He recalled a recent surprise played on McGregor on the current season of The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 22 where McGregor didn’t play his normal games when he was caught off guard:

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“He likes to taunt. He sees a camera and then he puts on a little show. When I appeared by surprise in the TUF house, he reached his hand out to shake mine and I thought we were going to fight right there. He complained to Dana (White) and Lorenzo (Fertitta). He said he was set up. “

From the champ’s point of view, McGregor isn’t as effective when he’s on the defensive and being pressured. We’ll just have to wait and see if he uses that same strategy to take the fight to the “Notorious” in December.