Deiveson Figueiredo & Brandon Moreno Battle To Draw – UFC 256 Results

IT’S TIME! The UFC 256 main event is finally upon us. Deiveson Figueiredo defends his flyweight title against Brandon Moreno.
Round 1: Deiveson Figueiredo opens up with a spinning back kick to the body. Figueiredo initiates the takedown attempt but is reversed and is now defending against Brandon Moreno. The fight goes to the floor but Figueiredo scrambles well and quickly pops back up. Figueiredo comes over the top. Moreno lands to the body. Figueiredo comes over the top again and lands clean. The champ hammers one to the body. Moreno fires straight back. Figueiredo is showing a lack of respect for his opponent in round one, he’s just charging forward throwing 100 percent power. Moreno just misses with a head kick but falls to his back. Figueiredo tries to pounce but Moreno impressively ankle picks his opponent before standing up. Figueiredo continues to rattle off heavy power shots. Moreno pops him with a jab. He keeps trying for that head kick and is getting so close with it. Figueiredo continues to head hunt with power shuts until the horn sounds to end round one.
Round 2: Moreno lands early with an overhand. Figueiredo hits the body with a kick. Moreno immediately answers back with a flurry of punches. Moreno lands to the body. Figueiredo fires back with a bunch of hard strikes. His power is something else but Moreno is taking it. Figueiredo jumps in with a lead elbow but is caught coming in and taken down. An eye poke brings a brief break to the action. Moreno resumes the fight on top. Figueiredo creates a scramble to get back up. Both guys let it all hang out. Figueiredo has the power but Moreno is matching him for output. Figueiredo lands a huge left hand, Moreno eats it! The champ fires in a body kick. Moreno catches him with a right hand which appeared to sting the flyweight king. A low kick by the Mexican is followed up by a jab. Moreno is pawing at his eye and looks in trouble but manages to get the fight to the ground. Figueiredo again pops back straight up and the two men trade leather up until the horn sounds to end round two.
Round 3: Figueiredo lands big at the start of round three. Moreno lands with a kick upstairs. This fight is crazy! The champ puts together a huge four punch combo – how is Moreno still standing? The challenger clinches up, fails to get the takedown but has control against the fence. Figueiredo separates but soon after eats a jab. Another jab form Moreno but Figueiredo is stalking him. He’s trying to land that perfect shot but Moreno is bashing him up on the way in. When Figueiredo does land thought it’s with mad power. Unfortunately he lands a huge kick to Moreno’s groin which drops the challenger and gets loud groans for the UFC commentary booth. It’s a bad scene right now. Moreno is rolling round the floor, coughing and looking like be sick. After a couple of minutes Moreno is ready to getting going – Figueiredo has lost one point. The champ secures his first takedown of the fight. Moreno works his way back up. The Mexican lands a beautiful right hand over the top. He follows it up with a left hook just before round three ends.
Round 4: Figueiredo tries a flying knee at the start of round four. He pops out a nice jab. Both men exchange hooks. Moreno follows up with a two-punch combo He’s really letting his punches fly now. Moreno lands a head kick that wobbles Figueiredo. The champ recovers well and lands something of his own. Moreno secures the takedown and manages to secure it for the first time in the fight. Figueiredo gets up and lands a right hand on the break. The champ is going to work with his hands now. He’s walking down Moreno throwing heavy leather. Moreno hurts him again! He’s teeing off on him right now. Figueiredo lands a right. Moreno lands one of his own. He then pops him with a sharp jab. Figueiredo puts together a nice hard combo but he’s looking tired right now. Moreno gets the takedown and almost lands in mount. He winds up in half guard. Figueiredo pushes him off but Moreno uses the distance to thrown a huge shot. Figueiredo pops up but eats several shots as he’s getting up. Moreno is putting it on him as round four ends.
Round 5: Figueiredo tries a several big kicks back-to-back. Moreno blocks them all and keeps charging forward. Figueiredo hits a nice three-punch combo. Moreno’s output has really slowed down in round five. The commentators are speculating about his arm being injured. Figueiredo isn’t really taking advantage of this moment. He’s throwing the odd shot but they are consistently being blocked. Moreno pushes the fight to the fence. He’s got the body locked up and is hitting short knees to the legs. Figueiredo secures a takedown and is laying down ground strikes as the final horn sounds.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Deiveson Figueiredo vs. Brandon Moreno is a draw