Abu Azaitar Defeats Vitor Miranda In Hamburg

Vitor Miranda couldn’t get it done against Abu Azaitar.
Azaitar opened up the fight throwing power shots. He landed a leg kick. Already, Miranda’s nose was red. Azaitar landed a combination to the body. An uppercut found the mark for Azaitar. Miranda got in a leg kick. Miranda scored a takedown.Azaitar got back up and landed a barrage of punches near the end of the round.
Miranda landed a knee to the head in the second stanza. Azaitar stuffed a takedown, but put himself in a bad position by attempting to roll his opponent over. Miranda went for the arm triangle. Azaitar got out of it and returned to his feet. Azaitar looked tired. Miranda scored a low single-leg takedown. Azaitar was able to muscle his way to top control. Azaitar stuffed a takedown and landed some hammerfists. The horn sounded a few seconds later.
Azaitar scored a takedown early in the final roudn.Azaitar laid down some ground-and-pound, but Miranda went for an armbar. Azaitar escaped and Miranda had to settle for the north-south position. Miranda moved to side control and landed some short punches. He went for mount, but Azaitar flipped him over. The round ended with Miranda back in top control.
Final Result: Abu Azaitar def. Vitor Miranda via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)