Elite XC Signing More Female Fighters

(Lost in thought, Debi Purcell? Cause I’m lost in your eyes. Please don’t hit me.)

So female MMA fighter Debi Purcell and I are MySpace friends. It’s pretty cool. I’m not sure she knows that she’s friends with me, but she is. Good thing too, because today she sent out a bulletin announcing that she’s just signed a three-fight deal with Elite XC and will begin by taking on Brazilian Carina Damm on June 27.

This is encouraging for those of us who thought Elite XC was only interested in promoting Gina Carano and therefore would only bring in female fighters who Carano could beat. Both Damm and Purcell are legitimate competition, and while they may not be quite as hot as Carano, they’re not bad either. Something about a woman in a sports bra and MMA gloves.

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Is that wrong? You know, talking about their attractiveness in the same way we talk about their fighting ability, which we would never do when talking about a male fighter? It’s only wrong if you say negative things about their looks, right? Women don’t get pissed off when you tell them how pretty they are, do they?

I don’t even know anymore. I’m just going to shut up and let you check out this Debi Purcell highlight video. In case you’re wondering what the tattoo on her lower back says, it’s “Hooray for me, fuck you.” That’s our kind of woman.