Conor McGregor’s Stout and Whiskey Brands Dry Up in Irish Retailers and Pubs

UFC star Conor McGregor’s stout and whiskey brands are losing ground with Irish retailers and pubs by the minute.
As we know, Conor McGregor was found liable in his sexual assault civil case last week against Nikita Hand. Ever since then, there has been a huge domino effect when it comes to the impact that has had on his own personal brands.
In short, the Irishman is receiving a great deal of backlash. It certainly doesn’t help that he’s come out on the defensive, and as we look ahead to the future, it’s hard to see what the next step is going to be for him in the world of mixed martial arts.
One of the big problems Conor McGregor has been experiencing is the endless stream of partners that are dumping his alcohol brands.
Conor McGregor’s troubles continue
As summarized by The Drinks Business and reported by Irish Independent, there are many brands/supermarkets who are currently dropping the Forged Irish Stout and Proper No. Twelve product. Of course, this comes after a boycott of McGregor-associated products was called by Cliona Saidlear, executive director of Rape Crisis Network Ireland.
“The companies making money from his alcohol and other products need to look at whether they want to align themselves with a man found by a civil jury to have sexually assaulted a woman.”
“They need to stop promoting him and distance themselves,” Saidlear continued. “€250,000 won’t dent his finances, but the public can play a role here in expressing disapproval for anyone that tries make money with a man who engaged in that despicable behaviour.”
The list of companies who have distanced themselves includes the following.
– Wetherspoons
– DAA (Dublin and Cork airports)
– Tesco
– BWG Foods
– Musgrave
– Proximo Spirits
It’ll be interesting to see how Conor McGregor responds as this situation continues to develop.