Murilo “Ninja” Rua retires from Mixed Martial Arts

Congrats to my opponent Tom Watson for the win @bammauk tonight, he was better and deserved it… I would like to announce officially my retirement from PRO MMA fights tonight. It was an amazing run, and its a very tough moment but there comes a time for all in life, and it’s time to move on. I am proud of all I did in MMA and all experiences I had. I will continue to work with MMA,doing seminars, eaching classes, training fighters,and doing my share to help our sport that I love so much. Its time now to help others and enjoy my family, my wife, my kids and move one.

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I want to thank so much all the fans for all the support, always helping me out and giving me all incentive. Brazil, Japan, USA, England, Canada, Australia. All places I fought, thanks so much!!

I want to also thank to all the trainers that helped me from day 1 as a white belt until now. All training partners that pushed me so much. All sponsors that believed and still believe in myself. All my friends in the press. Many thanks to and BVA Bank and mostly, I want to thank my true friends,my family, my mom and dad, my wife that I love so much, my kids who are my joy and my brothers. I want to thank my manager for being my friend, and I want to sincerely thank my brother for all support and making me so proud. Life goes on, memories will stay forever, and MMA will still be my life forever. THank you so much you all! Murilo “Ninja” Rua.Twitter

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Thirty-one year old former EliteXC Middleweight Champion Murilo “Ninja” Rua announced his retirement from MMA, following a third round TKO defeat against Tom Watson, last night at the main event of BAMMA 6 in London, England. Older brother of the former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Mauricio “Shogun” Rua, Murilo Rua retires with a professional MMA record of 20 Victories (8 KO’s and 10 Submissions) and 12 losses.