BlogKick: Do you remember your first time?

I actually remember it like it was yesterday. Let me take you in a trip in my time machine, back to the year 1994. I was young and naive, didn’t know too much the world yet. Growing up as a young kid in Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada at the time I was a big Martial Arts movie buff. I loved watching movies with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jean Claude Van-Damme, Steven Seagal just to name a few. I loved playing Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat on my Sega Genesis (or Megadrive for you people not from North

BlogKick: What Does it mean to be an Elite Striker?

You hear it a lot. We’ve heard it even more than usual last Saturday for the Fight for The Troops 2 card, Joe Rogan talking about how so and so is an “elite striker”. What exactly is an elite striker and who should be considered an elite striker? I’ve thought about this for a long time prior to last Saturday’s UFC event. You hear this phrase thrown around so loosely in the world of Mixed Martial Arts. Now, I’m not comparing the sport of Mixed Martial Arts to other Combat Sports like Boxing or Muay Thai / K

BlogKick: Don’t Judge the Card by its Cover

It only seems like yesterday when we were all tuning into UFC 117. Many hard core fans didn’t think this card would be very memorable or eventful, but it left us with a lifetime of great MMA memories. I can remember exactly the time and place during the event. At the time I was working at a Liquor Store / Pub in my neighbourhood. Being the kind of fan I am, even though I didn’t expect much from this card I still wanted to watch it anyway. I, like many of you didn’t have very high