UFC 129 Recap: Couture’s retirement, Hominick’s heart, Machida’s kick and GSP’s eye

There hasn’t been an MMA event in recent memory that has been anticipated as UFC 129. In a throw back to the glory days of PRIDE in Japan, it was the return of Mixed Martial Arts in a big stadium. It was also only the 3rd MMA event in the province of Ontario, with a record of 55,000 in attendance, the biggest in North American history.
To make this historic event even sweeter, the UFC booked an extremely stacked card filled with old time favorites and pound for pound greats. But what the people were really

7 Quick Conclusions to UFC 129

UFC 129 Made History by not only selling out 55,000 tickets seats but also being the first ever MMA event held in Toronto Ontario Canada.
The event itself prove to be one of the best events the UFC has ever deliver, the card had KO’s , Submissions , TKO’s and Decisions, But most fights end up on finishes or were high paced fights. So here are 7 quick conclusions to UFC 129 :
1- We got 2 new contenders at 170 , Rory MacDonald and Jake Ellenberger prove to be the type of fighters the UFC needs to have in the

BlogKick: Top 10 Fighters of 2010

With 2010 coming to an end it’s safe to say this has been a huge year for the sport of mixed martial arts. As 2011 approaches we get one step closer to becoming recognized as a mainstream sport.
                So naturally someone has to pay homage to the fighters that made 2010 as spectacular as it was.  And As tacky as it sounds, I want to give you the top 10 of 2010. Keep in mind this is a list for the best fighters